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We’re a team of experienced marketers in Bradenton & Sarasota who believe in a simple philosophy: your success is our success. We’re dedicated to providing the knowledge, strategies, and support you need to achieve your business goals. Let’s work together to make your vision a reality.
⚠️ Public Service Announcement: Beware! Ensure that you hold the reins of your domain name(s) or risk falling prey to the traps laid by amateur...
This Valentine's love goes out to all our amazing clients! Russell says, "Doggy kisses for everyone!" ❤️ 😜 🤣 ㅤ #happyvalentinesday #clientappreciation
🤩 I'm thrilled to announce an exciting new venture, "10 Effective Ways to Support and Boost Visibility for Local Small Businesses," A series committed to...
Let's talk messaging. Your website, social media, and in fact your entire online presence is a microphone. So what do you want to say? ㅤ...
🤓 Do you need a Google Business Profile (GBP) in 2025? Short answer: of course you do! ㅤ #bradenton #sarasota #webdesign #websitedesign #webdevelopment #marketingagency #marketing...
Reminder: Our videography services are a fantastic way to showcase your expertise, your facility, your staff, and the work you do! ㅤ As you can...
🤩 Hey, all you wild party beasts, may your weekend be as brief as my attention span during a math lecture! ㅤ #Bradenton #Sarasota #Weekend...
As a long-time WordPress pro designer, I have lots of thoughts about themes! And there are thousands of themes to choose from! ㅤ Fortunately, I've...
Long-lasting business partnerships are built on quick responses and open lines of communication. As a small-business marketing agency, we don't have any corporate structure or...
Just a reminder: Not only can you catch my regular #MarketingMondays livestream every Monday afternoon, but you can catch up on the whole back catalog...
You would never ask an amateur accountant to file your business's taxes. So why would you hire an amateur designer to manage your web presence?...
Check this out: Another awesome client from our Appalachian office! ㅤ Located in eastern Tennessee, Vibin Credit was a long-established business that just needed a...
Happy Florida Day! We're celebrating with sunny skies and a high of 65...exactly why we love living and working here! ㅤ (Fun fact: In a...
🥶 Holy Cow, or should we say, Holy Sasquatchin' it's cold outside. Stay warm, all you peeps out there... ㅤ #bradenton #sarasota #webdesign #websitedesign #webdevelopment...
#wednesdaywisdom Your time is important—the time you devote to your business, and the time you have to relax and recharge. Both are vital to your...
🥶 Hold onto your iguanas, folks! Brian is embarking on a frosty safari today in #Bradenton. By golly, it’s a chilly one in #Florida today!...
Why I Absolutely Adore TikTok! 🌟 Seriously, the reach you get from this platform blows all those other so-called "great-for-business" platforms right out of the...
Our work represents your company. ㅤ We make you look good. ㅤ #webdesign #testimonialtuesday #customerreviews #googlereviews #fivestars
You Know I Just Want a Simple Website! Things a Web Designer Hears! ㅤ So, you're a website designer—or aspiring to be one? Welcome to...
Balmy weather today; frigid temps going into next week—that's just life here in sunny southwest Florida! ㅤ That's OK, we'll just cozy up in front...
And the new websites just keep on coming! ㅤ Check out this overhaul project we did for the awesome Big South Lawn and Landscape! Their...
"He worked diligently on all the details and colors to create a very visually pleasing look with everything we needed our clients to know." ㅤ...
So, you've hired what you thought was a marketing "Maestro" to jazz up your website, only to discover that his "genius" is a symphony of...
If you think you need a website but you have no idea what you want, what it will cost, how long it will take, or...
Yes, indeed, that's me in Florida right now! 🤣🤣🤣 We're practically ice skating in flip flops with how chilly it's been for us sunshine-loving Floridians!...
Here's a quick Friday read for ya: An overview of the social media platforms that can best benefit your company this year. ㅤ https://vist.ly/3ms4b2m
🧐 Spotted: Your neighborhood Sasquatch moonlighting as a web designer in Downtown Bradenton. Be careful, folks - he's gone a bit blue from the cold....
It's January, and that means it's time to get a new calendar! ㅤ In fact, it might be time to upgrade to an online calendar—one...
Customer feedback is scary—we get it! But you know what's scarier? When there's an issue with your service and you never, ever know. ㅤ This...
Welcome to 2025! Is your business ready? ㅤ Deckard & Co. is charging into the new year with a brand-new, Brian-built project-management site for streamlined...
🤓 Brian finally finished migrating all clients to the new management platform. Yay, now his hair can calm down! ㅤ #bradenton #sarasota #webdesign #websitedesign #webdevelopment...
Just a few days left in 2024! What are your plans for your business in 2025? ㅤ Take some time to think about your business...
Big hearts and happy songs to you and yours. 💚❤️ Merry Christmas! ㅤ #bradenton #elkpark #sarasota #bannerelk
😎 "Guess who's sculpting website designs at 3000 feet?! Just your friendly neighborhood web-wizard literally taking the 'net to new heights! Here is hoping you...
You made a list and checked it twice. Now it's time to do the same for your website. ㅤ As we near the end of...
I know we're all busy with our holiday plans and focusing on our families right now. Rest assured your trusty website management company is staying...
Just a reminder that we've got dozens of videos all about digital marketing up on our Youtube page (https://www.youtube.com/@deckardcompany). This is pro-level marketing info perfect...
Holiday charity events? Year-end retrospectives? Company announcements for the new year? ㅤ There are countless ways to leverage video for your website and social media,...
How important is your hosting service? In a word: VERY. ㅤ Website hosting can affect loading time and other performance issues, plugin failures, SEO, scalability,...
Thinking about #Wix? Think again. ㅤ Check out our in-depth comparison of website builder Wix vs. our tried-and-true WordPress platform, and get the skinny on...
This right here is what it all boils down to: integrity. A small business that's been around for more than 20 years, so you know...
On this #GivingTuesday, we want to encourage you to support your favorite local causes. This year's storms were devastating to nonprofits in and around our...
Happy #CyberMonday! ㅤ This is a great time to talk about your e-commerce needs. If you sell products but you don't sell them through your...
We're enjoying an extra cup of coffee ☕ and a quiet morning at home today. That's because we do all our big shopping on #SmallBusinessSaturday!...
How do you establish partnerships? We do it with expert services and friendly, up-front communications. ㅤ And after so many years in business, we are...
While we're pushing our video services and livestreams lately, let's not lose sight of our other #digitalmarketing services—like #copywriting! ㅤ Did you know that copywriting...