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Palma Sola Church

Bradenton, Florida

Project Description

Our historic non-denominational church, first known as “The Church in the Wildwood” because of location, was established and constructed in 1886 when Asa Pillsbury, Sr. donated land for a church, cemetery and school to trustees A.T. Adams, J.A. Felts and John Flowers. The school no longer exists, but the cemetery which has gravestones dating back to the 1800s is still active and is run by the church. The original wooden church, which was destroyed by fire in 1904, had a foundation of 12 X 12 timbers that washed ashore from shipwrecks in Tampa Bay, logs and lumber from the W.S. Warner family sawmill at Palma Sola Point. J.B. Rogers, an early pioneer of the area, built the present picturesque sanctuary in 1905 on the same timbers with cement blocks made at the site. Many pioneer Cortez families attended church here and some are buried in the cemetery. Descendants of church leaders still live in the community. Members are dedicated to the preservation of the sanctuary and historic site.